
The plural is defined in the JSON with the plurial key. Consider an example :

    "you have nb message": "you have %d message%p"
    "plurial": {
            "p": ["s"]

Here, the %dparameter specifies an integer number is expected for you have nb message id. %p indicates that the plural of the term is used. The plural will be based on the value of %d. In plurial parameter, we define a rule. For %p in the plural, the letter s is added at the end.

The result will be :

let nbMsg = 1;
'you have nb message'.t(nbMsg); // You have 1 message

nbMsg = 2;
'you have nb message'.t(nbMsg); // You have 2 messages

Plural feature

It may be that the plural is different depending on a word. You can set it like this:

    "you have nb accessory": "you have %d accessor%p1"
    "plurial": {
      "p": ["s"],
      "p1": ["ies", "y"]

Here, we define a new rule of plural.

The result will be :

let nb = 1;
'you have nb accessory'.t(nb); // You have 1 accessory

nb = 2;
'you have nb accessory'.t(nb); // You have 2 accessories

Thus, the table is defined as follows:

"p[0-9]+": [plurial, singular, duel, triel, ...]


In a string, you can add parameters :

    "you name is": "you name is %s, you're %d"
    "plurial": {
      "p": ["s"]

The code will :

  'you name is'.t('Sam', 21);

Parameters are :

  • %s : string
  • %d : decimal
  • %p : indicates a plural (see above)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""